A Blog a Day

~ 2.5 Minute Read.

I set my­self the chal­lenge to dai­ly blog for the twelve days left in June. Mis­sion ac­com­plished!

Now for the fu­ture: Will I keep this up? In “Time In­vest­ing” I made the point that by con­sis­tent­ly in­vest­ing a lit­tle time to ac­quire a new skill, you will even­tu­al­ly reach the point were oth­ers are amazed at what you achieved. Five years of work, even if it’s a lit­tle bit at a time, builds up so some­thing that is hard to grasp eas­i­ly if you just see the re­sult. I guess that’s the whole point of in­vest­ing any­thing.

I will there­fore con­tin­ue to in­vest blog posts in­to this web­site, im­prove my writ­ing skill in do­ing so, and hope­ful­ly be able to bring some in­ter­est­ing thoughts to peo­ple that are in­ter­est­ed, po­ten­tial­ly even start­ing in­ter­est­ing dis­cus­sions. Or if not that, then at least save the one or the oth­er de­vel­op­er some time on solv­ing prob­lems I solved.

The blog con­tin­ues on a dai­ly ba­sis.

Cheers, Jonathan.


How do I plan to keep this up? There were a cou­ple of blog posts that took me up to two hours to write while I ac­tu­al­ly aim for at most half an hour in­stead. That is prob­a­bly my per­fec­tion­ism at play, but ad­di­tion­al­ly, some top­ics just can­not be con­tained in an ar­ti­cle of that scope.

I don’t like the no­tion of split­ting blog posts in­to parts. They al­so sounds like “hey, I will with­hold this in­for­ma­tion from you to make you come back to­mor­row”, which feels very ar­ti­fi­cial. In­stead I will try to make two small­er top­ics out of one. The em­scripten cmake ar­ti­cles were a good un­planned ex­am­ple for this: “We­bXR in C++” and “CMake: Re­link on File Change”.

Writ­ing two very re­lat­ed ar­ti­cles rather than one al­lowed me to go in­to more de­tail. I did ac­tu­al­ly go wild­ly out of scope for both any­way, though.

And that is why I will con­strain my­self to half an hour for writ­ing (edit­ing is not count­ed there) un­con­di­tion­al­ly and see how I will deal with that as of to­mor­row. Should I ev­er have time left, I will take that time to start pre­par­ing the blog post for the next day in ad­vance :)

Writ­ten in 20 min­utes, ed­it­ed in 5 min­utes.