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Wonderland Engine

We­bAssem­bly based Game En­gine with fo­cus on We­bXR.

Won­der­land En­gine Web­site

Com­plete pack­age to de­vel­op We­bXR apps and games. Cus­tom shaders with draw call batch­ing re­duce draw calls to one per shad­er, ba­sis com­pressed tex­tures are at­lassed dy­nam­i­cal­ly at run­time and the WASM based scene graph all to­geth­er al­low for op­ti­mal per­for­mance.

Since the En­gine tar­gets the Web, JavaScript comes with it as a ze­ro-down­load-cost script­ing en­gine.

To fur­ther re­duce load times, the En­gine us­es an ef­fi­cient­ly load­able bi­na­ry scene file for­mat.

Won­der­land En­gine projects are au­thored through vis­ual ed­i­tor that al­lows for a rapid-work­flow that al­lows for it­er­a­tion times you can of­ten see on Web projects: file watch­ing and au­to­mat­ic brows­er-reload­ing af­ter <1s pack­ag­ing times avoid un­nec­es­sary clicks wher­ev­er pos­si­ble.

As this project is a full prod­uct, li­cens­ing sys­tems and sub­scrip­tion pay­ment set­ups are as much of a task as is pack­ag­ing the ap­pli­ca­tion for Win­dows, Mac­OS and Lin­ux, build­ing the Web­site, ex­am­ples and full doc­u­men­ta­tion.

This project comes with an as­so­ci­at­ed build­ing of a com­pa­ny that backs the prod­uct, aswell.