Perfectionism and a Blog a Day

< 2 Minute Read.

It has now been al­most ex­act­ly a month since I launched the new web­site, yay! De­void of any new con­tent apart from the an­nounce­ment, it is now back to ea­ger­ly catch­ing dust.

For most of what I can re­mem­ber, I have al­ways been a per­fec­tion­ist. I want to do things prop­er­ly and in the right way and while in pro­gram­ming that is re­al­ly use­ful – since well test­ed code for ex­am­ple will lead to less bugs and main­tance cost lat­er – it al­so hin­ders me from go­ing any­where some­times.

As Gary Vayn­er­chuck put it, “Per­fec­tion­ism crip­ples peo­ple”. Hear­ing him say that gave me the abil­i­ty to cre­ate con­tent for In­sta­gram, Face­book and Twit­ter in be­half of Vhite Rab­bit. There­fore many thanks to him for that – I re­peat it ev­ery now and then in sit­u­a­tions where I need to con­vince my­self that some­thing is “good enough”, even though I know it is not per­fect.

Some­times I wish there were more op­po­tu­ni­ties (and time) to per­fect things, but I came to the con­clu­sion that these are rarely jus­ti­fyable, but that is ok!

Just like with this blog: I would love to write long-form in­depth ar­ti­cles about su­per spe­cial top­ics that I even need to re­search more about to get them ful­ly round­ed off. But in the end I will re­gret not writ­ing about all of those un­fin­ished projects and thoughts that I once had, but nev­er found the time to con­clude on and write a long-form blog post about.

In the spir­it, and be­cause I re­cent­ly saw a bunch of su­per in­spir­ing talks by Seth Godin who writes a dai­ly blog:

I here­by de­clare that I will write a short blog a day for the rest of June and then de­cide on a sched­ule as of Ju­ly (week­ly, twice a week … what­ev­er I feel al­most com­fort­able with by then).

Writ­ten in 32 min­utes, ed­it­ed in 10 min­utes.