Time Investing

< 2 Minute Read.

Is there a (re­al­is­tic) skill do you wish you had? What is it?

This ques­tion I ask peo­ple of­ten even in more ca­su­al con­ver­sa­tions, be­cause it not on­ly gives me an idea of their dreams or goals, but of­ten, peo­ple lack the ac­ti­va­tion en­er­gy 1 to get start­ed and in­vest the time to learn the new skill.

I didn’t get good at pro­gram­ming overnight, I in­vest­ed the time to ac­quire and prac­tice the skill. Al­most ten years lat­er, I ac­tu­al­ly be­lieve I know what I’m do­ing (some­times).

What is that one skill you have, where peo­ple al­ways come to you and say “Oh, you’re so tal­ent­ed!”? You prob­a­bly have been do­ing that con­sis­tent­ly for a while, too, right? I don’t be­lieve in tal­ent as in “be­ing born with a skill”, I be­lieve in putting in the time. If you put in the dou­ble amount of time ev­ery­body else puts in, you will catch up and even­tu­al­ly sur­pass them. You will “out work” them.

Start­ing now, go and put in a few hours in­to learn­ing a new skill ev­ery week or a cou­ple of min­utes ev­ery day and I guar­an­tee you, that in 5 years, oth­er peo­ple will look up to you for it.

Start in­vest­ing now.

Youtube video about the “5-Sec­ond Rule”

Writ­ten in 40 min­utes, ed­it­ed in 5 min­utes.