Showing only posts tagged zombiehunt. Show all posts.


A 2D ac­tion/ar­cade game in­spired by a minigame in a LEGO Is­land Game­boy game. You have four lanes on which Zom­bies are com­ing at you and you are sup­posed to kill them be­fore they reach you. With com­bos and on­line high­scores, set­tings menu, two types of Zom­bies, all the good stuff.

Writ­ten in C++ us­ing the Al­le­gro li­brary with as­sets by Falk Rid­der.

Zombiehunt Controlls

Zom­biehunt got a menue to change the con­trolls of the game! It now al­so checks the game ver­sion when sub­mit­ting a high­score to the on­line high­core list.

Here is a screen­shot of the con­trolls menue:


The menue back­ground …

Photo post 11


I al­ready men­tioned Zom­biehunt be­ing a 2D-Acrade Game. This is what Zom­biehunt looks like at the mo­ment.

I am still work­ing on this game and hope to get it fin­ished this year. It’s been writ­ten in C++ with the Al …