You Are Safe Now
< 1 Minute Read.
You are now protected by https:// when viewing this site! Not that you would be transmitting any information that needs to be secured or anything. I did this mainly because I heared it helps with SEO :)

Otoh, since my recent Multiplayer Net Adventures I now know that that is very dependent on the cipher chosen for SSL encryption. Did you know that SSL encryption doesn’t just mean “one way of encrypting”, but many many possible ways?
To solve the suspense from last blog post: Yes, I solved the problem! I recreated the letsencrypt
certificate and used the correct ones, also left out the openssl.server.caConfiguration
in the POCO application config and that seems to have fixed it.
I went on to have issues with file permissions :P But all that works now! You will be able to play
our game very soon.
Written in 10 minutes, edited in 5 minutes.