You Are Safe Now

< 1 Minute Read.

You are now pro­tect­ed by https:// when view­ing this site! Not that you would be trans­mit­ting any in­for­ma­tion that needs to be se­cured or any­thing. I did this main­ly be­cause I heared it helps with SEO :)

Browser marking as safe.

Otoh, since my re­cent Mul­ti­play­er Net Ad­ven­tures I now know that that is very de­pen­dent on the ci­pher cho­sen for SSL en­cryp­tion. Did you know that SSL en­cryp­tion doesn’t just mean “one way of en­crypt­ing”, but many many pos­si­ble ways?

To solve the sus­pense from last blog post: Yes, I solved the prob­lem! I recre­at­ed the letsen­crypt cer­tifi­cate and used the cor­rect ones, al­so left out the openssl.server.caConfiguration val­ue in the POCO ap­pli­ca­tion con­fig and that seems to have fixed it. I went on to have is­sues with file per­mis­sions :P But all that works now! You will be able to play our game very soon.

Writ­ten in 10 min­utes, ed­it­ed in 5 min­utes.