Not So Daily?

~ 3.5 Minute Read.

I post­ed five posts in the last eight days. I missed the first one on the 13th of Ju­ly, on which I at­tend­ed my last KN­IME 1 Sum­mer Par­ty and had an oth­er thing on my mind that I will write about even­tu­al­ly. I wasn’t able to come up with a top­ic to write about all day and pro­cras­ti­nat­ed un­til that par­ty from which I did not come back on time.

Ex­cus­es, ex­cus­es.

In­stead, what will I do dif­fer­ent­ly in the fu­ture: my per­fec­tion­ism does not al­low me to half-ass tu­to­ri­al/tech­ni­cal posts, hence they al­ways blow out of scope. I am hes­i­tant to lim­it the amount of time I spend on them, since they may not pro­vide any val­ue oth­er­wise. Ad­di­tion­al­ly there are peo­ple who know what I’m talk­ing about—even though they prob­a­bly don’t read my blog—so I have some ex­tra mo­ti­va­tion to dig in­to the lit­tle de­tails that may still be fuzzy in my un­der­stand­ing and I nev­er re­al­ly had to think about, putting a cher­ry on top of my con­fi­dence with the ma­te­ri­al.

The men­tal­i­ty/life­style posts are less ef­fort to write down, be­cause I al­ready spent all the time think­ing about their con­tent some­time in the past, de­vel­op­ing for­mu­la­tions while talk­ing to peo­ple about their ideas. Those ideas are a small fi­nite re­source though and I burnt through al­most all of the ex­ist­ing ones al­ready.

The meta posts… well, they are meant for an­nounce­ment of changes on these web­site or the blog. They aren’t sup­posed to hap­pen on a dai­ly ba­sis.

I re­al­ly would like to write about what I’m cur­rent­ly up to. This is how I start­ed back in the days on tum­blr: Doc­u­ment­ing what I was work­ing on, some­times just one or two lines with a screen­shot and show­ing my progress. Big­gest prob­lem with that is that I can­not do that cur­rent­ly, be­cause of NDAs and a se­cret thing that will be cleared up some time in the next two months (hope­ful­ly soon­er than lat­er).

Dif­fer­ent peo­ple will be in­ter­est­ed in dif­fer­ent things, so I will need to put in some ef­fort in­to prop­er­ly cat­e­go­riz­ing and tag­ging posts, giv­ing you the chance to get ex­act­ly the slice that you want.

Up­com­ing posts will gen­er­al­ly be short­er. I will keep them dai­ly, be­cause the first three weeks of the dai­ly blog were some of the best of my life—it’s that amaz­ing to have done some­thing pro­duc­tive at the start of the day al­ready, mak­ing the day great be­fore it re­al­ly start­ed. I will be less tough on my­self in re­gards of qual­i­ty or size of posts and be ex­per­i­men­tal with the con­tent.

For me, this needs to feel nat­u­ral and not forced. The on­ly way to pull this off on a dai­ly ba­sis even in times when oth­er things are mo­men­tar­i­ly more im­por­tant to me is if the on­ly con­straint is that there needs to be a posts.

Let’s see how this goes! If qual­i­ty goes down the drain as a re­sult, you can look for­ward to an­oth­er longer meta post :D

Where I’m cur­rent­ly em­ployed as a stu­dent work­er.

Writ­ten in 45 min­utes, ed­it­ed in 10 min­utes.