Squareys joined tumblr!

This is an old ar­ti­cle from 2011. I was a kid. I learned a lot since then, so please do think twice when tak­ing ad­vice from me as a kid.

I am a hob­by-de­vel­op­er and hob­by-cg-artist and this is go­ing to be a blog about my work. I cur­rent­ly got a few projects go­ing on, so my posts will wont be on one top­ic all the time.

  • I am cur­rent­ly mak­ing a lit­tle 2D-Ar­cade Game called Zom­biehunt, which cur­rent­ly is in ver­sion 0.5
  • A sec­ond 2D-Ar­cade Game a am de­vel­op­ing is Noten­spiel (Ger­man for Mu­sic-Note-Game [Not shure how to trans­late it…])
  • A third Game I was work­ing on is a Clone of Minecraft as an Ego-Shoot­er with C++ and OpenGL. I nev­er in­tend­ed to make a game that I would make mon­ey off of. I love Minecraft and got it my­self.

I very fre­quent­ly use Blender for fun. I re­cent­ly joined The Na­ture Acad­e­my on Blender­Gu­ru.com and am prob­a­bly go­ing to post most of my re­sults on this blog.

My next posts will be de­scrip­tions of my cur­rent pro­jek­ts in de­tail. So, I hope you have a lot of fun read­ing :)

Sin­cere­ly, Squareys

This post was im­port­ed from tum­blr


Archived blog posts from squareys.tum­blr.com.