Photo post 11

This is an old ar­ti­cle from 2011. I was a kid. I learned a lot since then, so please do think twice when tak­ing ad­vice from me as a kid.


I al­ready men­tioned Zom­biehunt be­ing a 2D-Acrade Game. This is what Zom­biehunt looks like at the mo­ment.

I am still work­ing on this game and hope to get it fin­ished this year. It’s been writ­ten in C++ with the Al­le­gro Game Pro­gram­ming Li­brary. Mu­sic and sound was made by a friend of mine and the graph­ics are most­ly done by me, but I ac­tu­al­ly have an artist re­mak­ing them now. (Vis­it his blog here (cur­rent­ly un­avail­able!))

I will post a down­load-link very soon to the lates ver­sion soon!

This post was im­port­ed from tum­blr


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