Business Plan
~ 1:30 Minute Read.
A small anecdote regarding the recent office viewing for Vhite Rabbit.
Since these offices are part of a startup assisting institution, the offices are available to pretty amazing …
~ 1:30 Minute Read.
A small anecdote regarding the recent office viewing for Vhite Rabbit.
Since these offices are part of a startup assisting institution, the offices are available to pretty amazing …
< 1 Minute Read.
Today I looked at some offices for Vhite Rabbit, as we are looking to rent one as of next month.
For me, having an own office marks the cut to being self-employed. The amount of identity change …
~ 1:30 Minute Read.
Last summer I had an interesting conversation with a friend who was in a more spiritual phase at that point in time.
He was following these people who based a lot of their …
~ 4 Minute Read.
I recently listened to this podcast/interview by Tom Bilyeu with Moran Cerf 1. Tom’s entire channel is amazing, do please check it out if you have the time!
Moran talks about putting EEG caps on …
~ 2 Minute Read.
Today—for whatever reason—I remembered that I started writing a story called “Weltendesigner” (German for “World Designer”) when I was a kid.
I guess this was a Matrix inspired …
~ 3 Minute Read.
This is the fith and final post in a series about the virtual reality escape room project I did together with Daniel Bogenrieder and Roxanne Low at the University of Kon …
~ 3:30 Minute Read.
This is the fourth post in a series about the virtual reality escape room project I did together with Daniel Bogenrieder and Roxanne Low at the University of Konstanz.
~ 4 Minute Read.
This is the third post in a series about the virtual reality escape room project I did together with Daniel Bogenrieder and Roxanne Low at the University of Konstanz.