Highlights of 2018

I primed 2018 to be the best year of my life to date, as I did again for 2019. And I made it so:

Fin­ished Uni­ver­si­ty

Not on­ly did I fin­ish my bach­e­lor’s the­sis, but al­so Uni­ver­si­ty en­tire­ly. For me an im­por­tant step to­wards free­dom.

Quit My Job

An­oth­er huge step out of my com­fort zone, but to­wards free­dom.

Found­ed a Com­pa­ny

Hav­ing de­vel­oped VR games with my hob­by­ist team Vhite Rab­bit, found­ing and work­ing on that full time was long over­due. In Au­gust, Flo­ri­an and I fi­nal­ly took this im­por­tant step.

Got My Own Of­fice

With the found­ing in Au­gust came the move in­to an of­fice in Sep­tem­ber. And with it, my busi­ness part­ner Flo­ri­an moved to Kon­stanz.

Launched Con­struct Ar­cade

Con­struct Ar­cade is the first VR brows­er games por­tal. We launched it in Oc­to­ber. Play VR games for free over there. Now!

This is our pas­sion project at Vhite Rab­bit and arose out of the frus­tra­tion with We­b­VR ex­pe­ri­ence col­lec­tions which are usu­al­ly a mix of 360° con­tent, games, mu­sic videos and apps, but we just want­ed playable games! Now there is a web­site for ex­act­ly and on­ly that.

Got Payed by My Own Com­pa­ny

It took us to end of No­vem­ber, but we fi­nal­ly were able to have Vhite Rab­bit send us our very own first pay­check. Even though just enough to break even with liv­ing costs, boot­strap­ping is fun again! :P

Found A Girl

Even though I was not ac­tive­ly look­ing and had enough of re­la­tion­ships for a while, some­one broke through :) Some­one who may be com­pat­i­ble with my in­sane life­style. Time will tell.

This, though, is a way too com­pli­cat­ed top­ic to sum up in two sen­tences, there­fore take that with a grain of salt. This al­so doesn’t seem to fit the prim­ing, be­cause of the “not ac­tive­ly look­ing”, but an­oth­er of my year’s goals kind of made it bound to hap­pen, so trust me that it does.