Vhite Rabbit Office

~ 2 minute read.

As of to­day, we have in­ter­net at our Vhite Rab­bit of­fice that we moved in­to yes­ter­day! There fi­nal­ly is a founder self­ie:

Left to right: Creepy Me, Flo­ri­an, Flo­ri­an, Me try­ing to hold my phone up high.

For me per­son­al­ly it feels very weird to not have a PC at home. I do have a huge prob­lem with go­ing to bed on time be­cause I feel the need or wish to keep work­ing, so this may fix all my prob­lems re­lat­ed to sleep.

I may just start sleep­ing in the of­fice in­stead, though. Es­pe­cial­ly once we have the so­fa that is planned some day.

There is quite a lot of room for im­prove­ment, but at the mo­ment, mon­ey is sparse and there is not way that we are go­ing to risk the com­pa­ny for a bet­ter rug. Be­ing able to work in a sin­gle room to­geth­er is al­ready a huge im­prove­ment in and of it­self.

A sec­ond huge im­prove­ment is be­ing able to tell peo­ple that you have to work. Be­fore, Vhite Rab­bit was a “hob­by” (50+ hr/week hob­by, but I was work­ing most­ly from home, which is hard­er to ex­plain to peo­ple). Now, I might be less flex­i­ble, but I don’t need to be, the goal is to do less things at once in­stead.

I am anx­ious­ly look­ing for­ward to the work/life split this is forc­ing up­on me. While I will spend most of my wake time at the of­fice now, this does im­pact the amount of work I can put in in a dif­fer­ent way:

Con­tem­po­rary danc­ing, So­cial danc­ing and Park­our are all close to where I live and hap­pen in the evenings. Af­ter­wards, it isn’t re­al­ly worth go­ing back to the of­fice, since driv­ing there and back will waste a lot of time. Hence I may go home and lit­ter­al­ly have noth­ing to do (usu­al­ly, I would work, but my PC is at the of­fice…). Will I be bored with­out my PC? On the oth­er hand, I have “Phys­i­cal­ly Based Ren­der­ing: From The­o­ry to Im­ple­men­ta­tion ly­ing around and this may be my chance to fi­nal­ly read it.

One way or an­oth­er I am look­ing for­ward to the time ahead. I’m go­ing to learn a lot.

Writ­ten in 20 min­utes, ed­it­ed in 5 min­utes.