
~ 1 Minute Read.

To­day, Flo­ri­an Isik­ci and I fi­nal­ly of­fi­cial­ly found­ed Vhite Rab­bit to­geth­er.

This was a scary step in­to bu­reau­cra­cy that brings us one step clos­er to our dream of work­ing on our vir­tu­al and aug­ment­ed re­al­i­ty projects full-time.

Fol­low the Vhite Rab­bit over on twit­ter, face­book, YouTube, In­sta­gram and/or vhit­er­ab­

You will hear from us :)

Writ­ten in 15 min­utes, ed­it­ed in 5 min­utes.