Passion Pill

~ 2.5 Minute Read.

What the pas­sion pill can do for you:

  • Abil­i­ty to work 6 hours more af­ter 8 hours of oth­er work
  • Strong in­ter­est in an ac­tiv­i­ty which over­rules in­ter­est in oth­er ad­dict …

Data Recovery

~ 2 Minute Read.

I spent the last three days re­cov­er­ing old projects.

There is this one 2TB ex­ter­nal hard drive I had for ages, bro­ken for six years – yet I nev­er threw it away or tried to for­mat it to maybe be …

Time Investing

< 2 Minute Read.

Is there a (re­al­is­tic) skill do you wish you had? What is it?

This ques­tion I ask peo­ple of­ten even in more ca­su­al con­ver­sa­tions, be­cause it not on­ly gives me an idea of their …

Sleeping-In Habbit

~ 6 Minute Read.

I want­ed to start this ar­ti­cle by telling you the sto­ry of how I de­vel­oped the hab­bit of sleep­ing in. Then I re­al­ized, I ac­tu­al­ly don’t know.

It might have been short­ly …

UE4 Coding: Speeding up Compilation

There was one thing that al­ways frus­trat­ed me alot in the be­gin­ning of de­vel­op­ment with Un­re­al En­gine 4: It was the com­pile times, es­pe­cial­ly those for it­er­at­ing on your game. But it turns out that, if you stick to a cou­ple of key prin­ci­ples, they are man­age­able af­ter all.

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