Epic Ray Engine

< 2 Minute Read.

I just cre­at­ed a new repos­i­to­ry for Epic Ray on GitHub!

Epic Ray En­gine in ac­tion.

Code ist best kept in some open source git repos­i­to­ry, for oth­er peo­ple to be able to look at it. I had orig­i­nal­ly tak­en down the repos­i­to­ry, be­cause I didn’t want to main­tain it fur­ther.

To­day I be­lieve this men­tal­i­ty was back­wards. Once you de­clare a project as aban­doned, it may still be use­ful to oth­ers… even if just for en­ter­tain­ment pur­pos­es. And let’s be hon­est, a ray­cast­ing game en­gine in Ja­va is def­i­nite­ly not the se­ri­ous type of project.

To en­sure no­body is dis­ap­point­ed or mis­lead, I be­lieve it is im­por­tant to en­sure the project is eas­i­ly rec­og­niz­able as “aban­doned” (“archived” may sound bet­ter), though.

Hon­es­ty in Port­fo­lio

A sec­ond big rea­son is port­fo­lio and ar­chiv­ing: I al­ready re­ceived a cou­ple of emails from re­cruiters who found my GitHub pro­file. You may be­lieve that keep­ing your bad old code vis­i­ble to ev­ery­body could give a wrong im­pres­sion, but GitHub shows that the last com­mit was from 3 years ago! And that is a lot of time to have im­proved your skills.

I val­ue hon­esty high­ly – if I show ex­act­ly who I am, then it is easy to stay true to my­self and to the pic­ture that I paint­ed of my­self. This is an en­tire top­ic for an­oth­er blog post, though.

For now, en­joy that old code! I’m se­cret­ly hop­ing for some­one to take it and just put some time in­to mak­ing some­thing cool out of it, that would be the best thing ev­er.

Epic Ray game run­ning di­rect­ly in the ed­i­tor.

Open sourced code in 60 min­utes, writ­ten in 30 min­utes, screen­shots tak­en in 20 min­utes, ed­it­ed in 3 min­utes.