Be Your Own Creator
~ 2.5 Minute Read.
Derived from my view of “Determinisim and Choice” I believe everybody can choose to take control of their lives.
Recap: every present moment is a sum of its past moments — every moment …
~ 2.5 Minute Read.
Derived from my view of “Determinisim and Choice” I believe everybody can choose to take control of their lives.
Recap: every present moment is a sum of its past moments — every moment …
~ 2 Minute Read.
When I talk about my many past projects I often entirely forget to mention the ones I did at the University of Konstanz. But in the six years I’ve been there up to now, there were some …
~ 2.5 Minute Read.
I set myself the challenge to daily blog for the twelve days left in June. Mission accomplished!
Now for the future: Will I keep this up? In “Time Investing” I made the point that by consis …
~ 5 Minute Read.
Since we’re working on our multiplayer WebXR game at Vhite Rabbit, I needed to somehow connect to some server to exchange some data via sockets from web assembly.
Our server …
~ 2.5 Minute Read.
In my last post I wrote how my idea of determinism influences some of my mentality. I still think it’s a bad word for the concept, as the first associations with de …
~ 5 Minute Read.
One of my foundational beliefs in life that influence my view of the world is determinism.
As a human being I understand cause-effect relationship: if I throw my plate on …
~ 1.5 Minute Read.
Passion day is a concept I came up with because I had ideas I wanted to work on, but didn’t actually find the time to do so. My thinking was “later, once I finished all …
~ 3 Minute Read.
In the last blog post (“WebXR in C++”) there was
a minor inconvenience left in the cmake example.
If you change the library_webxr.js
, it will not relink and therefore your output
accompany …