Why WebVR is intriguing to me

2 minute read.

To­day I had a call about We­b­VR and op­ti­miza­tion and re­al­ized a thing about We­b­VR and VR in gen­er­al that ap­pear to be es­pe­cial­ly ap­peal­ing to me.

I think one of the rea­sons I am fas­ci­nat­ed by these top­ics is the need for op­ti­miza­tion: VR re­al­ly gets im­mer­sive once you have great per­for­mance, i.e. the la­ten­cy be­tween head mo­tion and per­ceived mo­tion on the screen are as low as pos­si­ble. This pos­es a new type of chal­lenge.

Think­ing about how to do things bet­ter, es­pe­cial­ly cod­ing wise is one of the funnest things to me. Bench­mark­ing and op­ti­miz­ing code is re­ward­ing al­ready with the ev­er de­creas­ing or im­prov­ing num­bers and al­so with ev­ery lit­tle break­through or idea you come up with.

With VR on the web, per­for­mance is a huge strug­gle be­cause of the wide range of tar­get de­vices. Your VR con­tent may be viewed on a Google Card­board with a low-end smart­phone! I be­lieve per­for­mance may be a bot­tle­neck for VR on the web in gen­er­al and ready to ad­dress it for oth­ers in blog posts like “Pal­lette Mesh Op­ti­miza­tion” on Con­struct Ar­cade.