What’s Up 11/2018

~ 4 Minute Read.

Since the last time I did an over­view of my cur­rent projects is al­most three months ago, I thought it’d be time for an­oth­er one of these.

Vhite Rab­bit

In Sep­tem­ber Flo­ri­an Isik­ci and I moved in­to a small of­fice in Kon­stanz. We have since re­lease Con­struct Ar­cade, a VR brows­er games plat­form based on the We­b­VR/We­bXR De­vice API.

For that project, I’m cur­rent­ly writ­ing REST APIs in C++ and learn­ing JavaScript to pro­vide a JavaScript SDK for con­sum­ing the API. To em­pow­er learn­ing, I’m writ­ing an e-book “JavaScript for C++ De­vel­op­ers”, and to aid fu­ture C++ de­vs with ac­quir­ing the new lan­guage faster. Al­so, I al­ways want­ed to write an e-book.

On top of that we are still do­ing con­tract work, since keep­ing the com­pa­ny (aka us) alive re­quires mon­ey. If you need any­thing done in VR (es­pe­cial­ly We­b­VR), please do con­tact us.


I ac­tu­al­ly got pret­ty far with the UE4 We­bXR sup­port I planned on do­ing. While most of the code has been writ­ten down, cur­rent state is a black screen be­cause of some frame­buffer is­sues. I hope to get back to this soon.

UE4 Test­ing

I re­leased my “Ad­vanced Test­ing” plug­in on the Un­re­al En­gine Mar­ket­place. In case you want a free eval­u­a­tion copy, don’t hes­i­tate to send me a mes­sage.


I quit in Sep­tem­ber! I did, how­ev­er, do a very fun We­bGL PBR ren­der­ing project with C++/Mag­num that I will even­tu­al­ly write up on a bit.


A top­ic I didn’t write about on my blog to this date, even though it has al­ways been an im­por­tant one in the past three years. Note that I wor­ry about di­et not be­cause of phys­i­cal ap­pear­ance, but men­tal per­for­mance.

I start­ed sup­ple­ment­ing Vi­ta­min D3 as sug­gest­ed in a talk by Dave As­prey 1. I al­so re­placed break­fast with Ke­to-Cof­fee with MCT oil.


I prob­a­bly for­got about the oth­er half of the projects I am work­ing on. You will hear about them even­tu­al­ly.

The e-book is al­most done and I am very much look­ing for­ward to re­leas­ing it. There are some peo­ple I want to have read it first.

You may want to check out the Con­struct Ar­cade Blog for up­dates as­so­ci­at­ed with that project!

The Top Six Bio­hacks | Dave As­prey

Writ­ten in 20 min­utes