Thu 27 September 2018

< 1 Minute Read.

Many peo­ple are pushed to self-em­ploy­ment be­cause of bad ex­pe­ri­ences dur­ing their em­ploy­ment. For me, though, it is a strong pull.

To­day was my last day at KN­IME. Rough­ly two and a half months ago I quit there to be able to put more time in­to my work at Vhite Rab­bit. Over the past five and a half years I took the peo­ple, the work­place and en­vi­ron­ment in­to my heart, enough so, that I have tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat. It feels like break­ing up.

On a less sen­ti­men­tal note, though, I look for­ward to the fu­ture of Vir­tu­al Re­al­i­ty that I will be help­ing to shape. I am ea­ger to learn with each chal­lenge that run­ning a com­pa­ny will pose, em­brac­ing per­son­al change and de­vel­op­ment that comes with it.

Writ­ten in 30 min­utes, ed­it­ed in 2 min­utes.