Writing about Health Topics

I ex­per­i­ment a lot with health, nu­tri­tion/di­et and do a lot of phys­i­cal ac­tiv­i­ty to bal­ance out my oth­er­wise very seden­tary life­style and op­ti­mize per­son­al pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.

Since my lev­el of ex­per­tise with these top­ics is way too low to give any ad­vice on these top­ics, I was very hes­ti­tant of writ­ing about them on my blog. I will in­stead tell my per­son­al ex­pe­ri­ences with heavy dis­claimers that I am nei­ther a doc­tor, nor nu­tri­tion­ist or in any oth­er po­si­tion where my writ­ing should be tak­en as ad­vice.

In­stead, I hope to raise aware­ness for the read­ers health and di­et, po­ten­tial­ly lead­ing you to make ex­per­i­ments and in­form your­self and find what fits you on your own.

Look­ing for­ward to writ­ing about this.

See you then, Jonathan