What’s Up 06/2019

1 minute read.

I have been very busy late­ly which man­i­fest­ed in a lack of blog posts. Here’s some sketch of what has been hap­pen­ing late­ly:

Con­struct Ar­cade

The VR brows­er games plat­form Con­struct Ar­cade got un­usu­al trac­tion since launch of the quest, as one of our games, Barista Ex­press is fea­tured on the Ocu­lus Brows­er there.

With it came a strug­gle to some­how lead peo­ple from the game to play fur­ther games on the plat­form, hope­ful­ly re­mem­ber­ing the place to come back lat­er when new games have been re­leased.

This is one of those sit­u­a­tions where you feel you are get­ting a chance, but al­so al­most miss­ing a train.

Con­tract Work

If you fol­low me close­ly, you will know, that Vhite Rab­bit is work­ing with Re­hub GmbH to bring their VR train­ing to aid re­ha­bil­i­ta­tion of semi­pare­sis to life.

This en­deav­or has made a big step for­ward re­cent­ly, al­low­ing me to slack off a bit. “Slack off” as in…

Man­ic Work­ing

Spend­ing two weeks of ba­si­cal­ly non-stop cod­ing on Won­der- ful tech­nol­o­gy meant to ful­fill a cer­tain nieche that I be­lieve is cur­rent­ly very de­sired and al­so helps Con­struct Ar­cade in a way.

This kind of work has al­ways been a dream of mine… or maybe an ob­ses­sion. As I start­ed to ba­si­cal­ly do noth­ing else, I gained some self aware­ness af­ter those two weeks of flow and my work-hab­bits nor­mal­ized again.

Things that I put off dur­ing that time are now haunt­ing my shed­ule, but I’m al­ready ahead of things in a way that I find the time to write this blog post.


I don’t think any­body reg­u­lar­ly re­vis­its Ax­is-Aligned Bound­ing Box - Cone In­ter­sec­tion, so here’s the sum­ma­ry of the sto­ry:

Af­ter I sub­mit­ted this blog post for the emp­ty space in the ta­ble of stat­ic col­li­sion al­go­rithms on re­al­timeren­der­ing.com, Er­ic Haines, who main­tains the web­site (and is one of the co-au­thors of the “Re­al-Time Ren­der­ing” book!), and David Eber­ly (from Geo­met­ric Tools) both spent quite some ef­fort on test­ing the al­go­r­tihms va­lid­i­ty.

They found a case in which the al­go­rithm pro­duces an in­cor­rect re­sult (see the blog post for de­tails) and the link was re­moved from the ta­ble again.

I am hap­py that this was found and look for­ward to fig­ur­ing out a so­lu­tion or fix for this case. Whith that, I want to again thank the two for their ef­forts!

Vhite Rab­bit In­ter­nals

We are en­ganged with a project called “In­to the Red” over at Vhite Rab­bit, which main­ly my busi­ness part­ner Flo­ri­an is in­volved in.

In­to the Red is a VR movie by the Fil­mu­ni­ver­si­ty in Ba­bels­berg, which con­sumed most of Flo­ri­an’s at­ten­tion late­ly. That start­ed nor­mal­iz­ing again, which will re­sult in some up­dates to Barista Ex­press and Con­struct Ar­cade soon! This takes a lot of load off of me, as he is now able to help with ev­ery­thing else again, al­so.


Stress­ful times, but good things are hap­pen­ing and work is as al­ways su­per fun. I aim to re­duce the amount of things I work on si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly, gain­ing bet­ter fo­cus on few im­por­tant things. Let’s see how that turns out in the fu­ture.