UE4: Deprecating Symbols

~ 3 Minute Read.

I find my­self googling for how to dep­re­cate UENUM, USTRUCT, UCLASS, UPROPERTY, UFUNCTION in Un­re­al En­gine 4 ev­ery now and then. With this blog post I hope to pro­vide a ref­er­ence for how to do this for each:


These are a mat­ter of sim­ply ap­pend­ing _DEPRECATED to their name and re­mov­ing all meta­da­ta at­tributes. This will al­low blue­prints to still com­pile. I rec­om­mend re­mov­ing all us­es of the dep­re­cat­ed prop­er­ty dur­ing re­name in­stead of just refac­tor­ing the name of the sym­bol.

Ad­di­tion­al­ly, spec­i­fy DeprecatedProperty and DeprecationMessage in the UPROPERTY() macro for some ad­di­tion in­for­ma­tion to the us­er.

// Before

/** Number of elements */
int32 Count;

// After

/** Number of elements
 * @deprecated Use Size instead
UPROPERTY(meta=(DeprecatedProperty, DeprecationMessage="Use Size instead."))
int32 Count_DEPRECATED;


Here you on­ly need to be adding the meta spec­i­fiers. You do not need to re­move the oth­er spec­i­fiers here nor re­name the func­tion.

// Before

/** @brief Get answer to everything */
int GetAnswerToEverything() const {
    return 42;

// After

/** @brief Get answer to everything
 * @deprecated Use GetEarth() and GetAnswer() instead.
UPROPERTY(BlueprintPure, meta=(DeprecatedFunction,
    DeprecationMessage="Use GetEarth() and GetAnswer() instead."))
int GetAnswerToEverything() const {
    return 42;


These have a spe­cial Deprecated spec­i­fi­er that you should use to mark the class. Ad­di­tion­al­ly, you will need to re­name it:

// Before
class UMyObject : public UObject {
    /* ... */

// After
class UDEPRECATED_MyObject : public UObject {
    /* ... */


These don’t seem to have grace­ful means for be­ing dep­re­cat­ed. In the en­gine’s code you can find enum val­ues that are dep­re­cat­ed by suf­fix­ing them with _DEPRECATED. That is not nec­es­sar­i­ly “grace­ful” on its own, as in it isn’t picked up by the blue­print sys­tem and will cause com­pile er­rors there.

// Before
enum class EMyEnum : uint32 {
    MyValue = 0,
    YourValue = 1,
    /* ... */

// After
/* @deprecated This was removed in version XY */
enum class EMyEnum_DEPRECATED : uint32 {
    /* @deprecated This was removed in version XY */
    MyValue_DEPRECATED = 0,
    /* @deprecated This was removed in version XY */
    YourValue_DEPRECATED = 1,
    /* ... */

To en­sure blue­prints keep com­pil­ing, you can add redi­rects, e.g. in your DefaultEngine.ini:

    ValueChanges=(("MyValue","MyValue_DEPRECATED"), ("YourValue","YourValue_DEPRECATED")))

While blue­prints will not is­sue a warn­ing, the us­er will at least see that _DEPRECATED suf­fix, hope­ful­ly hov­er over some­thing that shows the code com­ments in a tooltip and make nec­es­sary changes.

See Un­re­al En­gine Doc­u­men­ta­tion > Pro­gram­ming Guide > Core Re­di­rects for more in­for­ma­tion on redi­rects.


These don’t seem to have grace­ful means of dep­re­ca­tion ei­ther. I sug­gest to ei­ther dep­re­cate the C++ side grace­ful­ly (see Non-Blue­print Types) and then dep­re­cate all the at­tributes:

// Before
struct FMyStruct {
    /* ... */

    FString Name;

// After
struct DEPRECATED(4.20, "MyStruct is deprecated, use YourStruct instead.") FMyStruct {
    /* ... */

        DeprecationMessage="MyStruct is deprecated, use YourStruct instead."))
    FString Name_DEPRECATED;

… or do some­thing sim­i­lar to the re­name and re­di­rect ana­log to how you would for UENUM.

See Un­re­al En­gine Doc­u­men­ta­tion > Pro­gram­ming Guide > Core Re­di­rects for more in­for­ma­tion on redi­rects.

Non-Blue­print Types

If you main­tain a plug­in that pro­vides a C++ on­ly API (maybe in ad­di­tion to Blue­print nodes), you can dep­re­cate such sym­bols us­ing the DEPRECATED(version, message) macro:

// Before
virtual void foo();

// After
DEPRECATED(4.20, "Use bar() instead.")
virtual void foo();

Writ­ten in 70 min­utes, ed­it­ed in 6 min­utes.