The Jog Experience

1 minute read.

Last Oc­to­ber I lis­tened to a lot of pod­casts with David Gog­gins. I ad­mire his men­tal strength and willpow­er and it pumped me up to make less ex­cus­es.

That in com­bi­na­tion with videos about Wim Hoff made me come up with a great plan: I would get up the next morn­ing and briefly go jog­ging.

So I got up the next morn­ing around 5 AM and went jog­ging in shorts.

Yes, in noth­ing but shorts, barefeet and top­less at prob­a­bly around 8°C.

I on­ly ran to the end of the street and back, but that left me heav­i­ly pant­ing for a quar­ter of an hour with slight­ly numb feet be­fore I pro­ceed­ed to take my usu­al cold show­er.

Was a pret­ty fun and heavy willpow­er chal­lenge. Pret­ty sure the rest of the day was amaz­ing and ex­cuse­less. I might do it again some­time.