Feeling of Growing Up

1 minute read.

I’m 24 and I would not claim to be “grown up”. Yes, I passed the 18 and 21 year marks, but de­ter­min­ing the ex­act point at which you feel part of “the adults” you once looked up to, ap­pears dif­fi­cult.

Maybe the point at which you start rec­og­niz­ing the ex­pe­ri­ences your par­ents tell you of their past. It’s a weird feel­ing when they tell sto­ries sim­i­lar to what you heard from friends or lived your­self.

It’s a point where you may re­al­ize your own ex­pe­ri­ence in life. The on­ly thing sep­a­rat­ing you from your par­ents are the ex­tra years, but the fun­da­men­tal some­thing that dis­tin­guished their world from yours seems dis­solved. Your ex­priences now hap­pen in a sim­i­lar world with sim­i­lar terms and con­di­tions, the same chap­ter in life, adult­hood.

Just a very sen­ti­men­tal thought ;)