Bluetooth and Python 3.3
Spend hours and hours and more hours trying to connect a Wiimote to Blender via Python. I read somewhere Python supports Bluetooth in version 3.3, but not for me.
PyBluez is also not compatible with Python 3 …
Spend hours and hours and more hours trying to connect a Wiimote to Blender via Python. I read somewhere Python supports Bluetooth in version 3.3, but not for me.
PyBluez is also not compatible with Python 3 …
Today I looked at the .x file format and decided to do the character animation for Ninjarun not with a sprite-sheet but a 2D mesh with bone-animations.
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I recently spent 5 hours trying to figure out why my maps I write from an own made “tiled” plugin (Java) aren’t beeing read properly in my ninjarun game (C), already knowing all along it must be …
I’ve been really working on my Palm Pre game lately. Today I implemented collecting coins!
I had a few issues where I added the player to an entity list instead of a coin en …
Some advertisment for my facebook page ;)
`Squareys on facebook <>`__
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I spent last weekend with WebOS game development. Here’s a screenshot of what I got now (runs on the device aswell ;) )
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I recently stared messing around with the simple sample app from the WebOS pdk a bit, trying to draw with vertex buffers and so on. I had a few problems, since the sample app used Open GL ES 2 …
You can’t imagine how glsl shader programming makes me happy.
I guess the think I like about it is, that you change something and *bling* changes appear on screen! I’m a really visual guy, I have an artist …