Bluetooth and Python 3.3

Spend hours and hours and more hours try­ing to con­nect a Wi­imote to Blender via Python. I read some­where Python sup­ports Blue­tooth in ver­sion 3.3, but not for me.

Py­Bluez is al­so not com­pat­i­ble with Python 3 …


I re­cent­ly spent 5 hours try­ing to fig­ure out why my maps I write from an own made “tiled” plug­in (Ja­va) aren’t bee­ing read prop­er­ly in my nin­jarun game (C), al­ready know­ing all along it must be …

Progress on Ninjarun

I’ve been re­al­ly work­ing on my Palm Pre game late­ly. To­day I im­ple­ment­ed col­lect­ing coins!

I had a few is­sues where I added the play­er to an en­ti­ty list in­stead of a coin en …


Some ad­ver­tis­ment for my face­book page ;)

`Squareys on face­book <https://www.face­>`__

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