You find that these functions are slow. That’s normal.

This is an old ar­ti­cle from 2014. I was a kid. I learned a lot since then, so please do think twice when tak­ing ad­vice from me as a kid.


I am sor­ry, Ocu­lus. But I’m not go­ing to use you SDK Ren­der­ing and will in­vest an­oth­er 30-60 hrs try­ing to repli­cate the ovr dis­tor­tion my­self.

Ocu­lus SDK OpenGL Ren­der­ing saves most states of gl twice ev­ery frame. I didn’t count, but I’m guess­ing that is at least 25 glGet calls per eye per frame. That’s 75 * 2 * 25 = 3750 glGet calls per sec­ond, if you want to think about it that way.

I guess do­ing the dis­tor­tion ren­der­ing my­self will take alot of ef­fort, but once it’s done, I hope it will be su­pe­ri­or in per­for­mance.

Please don’t get me wrong, though: I don’t think it’s bad, that Ocu­lus saves and re­stores states be­fore and af­ter do­ing it’s gl calls. I just don’t want to ac­cept the per­for­mance loss this brings for me, al­so, they did for­get some flags, which I would have to man­u­al­ly save and re­store to fix my ren­der­ing with Ir­rlicht.

I just don’t know how or if “Di­rect to Rift” mode will be im­ple­mentable this way. I’ll tell you once I found out.

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