Why Not Just Do It

~ 2 Minute Read.

Do you some­times know a thing that could po­ten­tial­ly make you some mon­ey—on what I per­son­al­ly am still very de­pen­dent on do­ing—and that is “re­al­ly easy”, but you nev­er ac­tu­al­ly do it? Like push­ing a fin­ished game on­to an on­line store?

Why not do it then?

I just port­ed Vhite Rab­bit’s Wastepa­perbin VR to Day­dream and GearVR in 4 hours. We al­ready have a great ab­strac­tion for the VR in­put, so it was main­ly a mat­ter of get­ting the Un­re­al En­gine project to com­pile on An­droid and set­ting up the con­fig­u­ra­tion.

There still is a bit of work to be done es­pe­cial­ly re­gard­ing the 6 DoF con­troller to 3 DoF con­troller mi­gra­tion. Most of the “im­mer­sive UI” was not in­vi­sioned to ev­er have to work with that.

Re­cent­ly I fi­nal­ly sub­mit­ted a plug­in to the Un­re­al En­gine Mar­ket­place. For me it seems to be these fi­nal steps that just lie around, so close to ac­tu­al­ly be­ing “out there”, yet I for some rea­son must have been afraid to do that fi­nal step.

Sim­i­lar­ly with the re­lease of Cook for the Gi­ant (VR) on the Ocu­lus store. We did ev­ery­thing ex­cept for a pri­va­cy pol­i­cy and some screen­shots… “ex­cept”, though. It was so close to be re­leased (prob­a­bly al­most a year ago now al­ready), but I nev­er did it?

I no­ticed this be­hav­iour and I don’t like it. I will im­prove on it. Ex­pect me to put in all the nec­es­sary ef­fort to get games out on the Play Store, Ocu­lus Home Desk­top and Ocu­lus Home Mo­bile.

Writ­ten in 12 min­utes, ed­it­ed in 5 min­utes.