What’s Up 01/2019

4 minute read.

Since the last time I did an over­view of my cur­rent projects was last year, I thought I’d write an­oth­er one of these.

Vhite Rab­bit

This month, Flo­ri­an and I had a spon­ta­neous brain­storm­ing ses­sion, in­spired by Tim Fer­ris’ “4-Hour work week” 3 and this video by Samuel Lee on Youtube 4. We came up with a cou­ple new VR busi­ness ideas/prod­ucts that we are very hyped about and are dif­fer­ent from our pre­vi­ous projects in one su­per im­por­tant way: in­stead of bet­ting on the growth of VR, they are testible and vi­able prod­ucts right now.

Hence, we are hyped, as this is an ex­cit­ing way to po­ten­tial­ly mak­ing mon­ey with many peo­ple prof­itting. And in the long run it is more scal­able than of­fer­ing de­vel­op­ment as a ser­vices.

We are al­so work­ing on a pod­cast about gen­er­al VR top­ics and look­ing to pub­lish the first episodes, soon.

Con­struct Ar­cade

Over the turn of year, we had a bit of time to fo­cus on Con­struct Ar­cade—our VR brows­er games plat­form. Lots of (es­pe­cial­ly in­for­ma­tion­al) pages were added and Flo­ri­an wrote an en­tire game in rough­ly two days. The plat­form and games are get­ting more sta­ble.

We al­so added some ama­zon af­fil­i­ate links in our head­set guide to test how well that would work. The re­sults have not been ex­cit­ing yet.

Event Com­ing Up

In Feb­ru­ary Vhite Rab­bit will be at its first event, “Start­up BW Sum­mit 2019” and I will be pitch­ing. That is cur­rent­ly on my mind a lot, but we have a rough strat­e­gy of what we are look­ing to do at that event, hence a very in­ter­est­ing op­por­tu­ni­ty.


While I re­al­ly want to be writ­ing more blog posts, I seem to be un­able to take the time. Most com­mon­ly I find it to be the last unchecked bul­let in my bul­let jour­nal at the end of the day and that is not be­cause I am miss­ing in­spi­ra­tion or am out of ideas.

I val­ue hav­ing a place to write down thoughts and a rea­son to keep work­ing on my ar­chive of past projects (Re­leas­ing a We­bAssem­bly ver­sion of Zom­biehunt is one of my goals for this year that serves lit­ter­al­ly no pur­pose, but dab­bling in old code).

Oth­er Ran­dom Thoughts

I am look­ing for­ward to the year: I tend to set my­self at least one goal that is su­per un­com­fort­able to me, but re­al­ly want to do. This year that is worka­tion to a for­eign coun­try. “For­eign” for me means some­thing more ex­ot­ic than cross­ing the bor­der to Switzer­land (5 mins from here): In­done­sia, Chi­ang Mai, Spain for ex­am­ple would be more like it.

With that comes a strong in­trin­sic mo­ti­va­tion to “solve” my fi­nan­cials to be able to do so. That sounds very op­ti­mistic, but the 4 hour work­week book cur­rent­ly makes me be­lieve it is very pos­si­ble.

I have this new gut feel­ing that mak­ing mon­ey could be way less com­pli­cat­ed than I had be­lieved up till now. I will tell you if that turns out to be true.

Tim­o­thy Fer­ris – The 4-Hour Work Week (Ama­zon Af­fil­i­ate Link)
Un­der­cov­er Mil­li­on­aire Starts Again from Scratch | FI­NAN­CIAL FREE­DOM CHAL­LENGE