< 1 Minute Read.

For those who fol­low what I do on twit­ter, you will have no­ticed, that I cre­at­ed the mag­num-vr-ui quite a while ago. That ba­si­cal­ly got the Magnum::Ui li­brary in­to VR with the Ocu­lus Rift—be­cause I had in­te­grat­ed that in­to Mag­num back in 2015—and Leap Mo­tion, which I had short­ly be­fore cre­at­ed an ex­am­ple with Mag­num for.

Short­ly af­ter, I mys­te­ri­ous­ly cre­at­ed mag­num-neovim-api, ba­si­cal­ly to start a Neovim GUI client with Mag­num.

Now why would a vir­tu­al re­al­i­ty de­vel­op­er want to cre­ate a Neovim Ui client… all part of a big­ger plan that I stopped ex­e­cut­ing, but may one day come back to and fin­ish.

Writ­ten in 4 min­utes, ed­it­ed in 2 min­utes.