Showing only posts tagged ue4. Show all posts.

UE4 Automation Testing

9 minute read.

Have you ev­er had a fea­ture in an Un­re­al En­gine game that you had to come back to again and again, be­cause it was a nest of bugs? This gives you this un­easy feel­ing of that part be­ing un­sta­ble …

UE4 Coding: Speeding up Compilation

There was one thing that al­ways frus­trat­ed me alot in the be­gin­ning of de­vel­op­ment with Un­re­al En­gine 4: It was the com­pile times, es­pe­cial­ly those for it­er­at­ing on your game. But it turns out that, if you stick to a cou­ple of key prin­ci­ples, they are man­age­able af­ter all.

UE4 Coding: Decoupling for Better Code

In the past year of UE4 de­vel­op­ment, I had prob­lems fig­ur­ing out how to struc­ture my game code: where to put game log­ic code to keep it read­able/main­tain­able, testable and re­us­able. This blog post sum­ma­rizes what I and my fel­low de­vel­op­ers have learnt as I fi­nal­ly feel con­fi­dent with my un­der­stand­ing.

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