Showing only posts tagged cpp. Show all posts.

Pyromania - Bombs

Af­ter a rather long break from pro­gram­ming (did a lot with Blender the past month) and al­so a break from post­ing on this blog I am now back with a lit­tle up­date on Py­ro­ma­nia. Al­though it was pos­si …

A Bomberman Clone?

I just found a project I start­ed work­ing on be­fore I start­ed this Blog. It’s a clone (or at least pret­ty sim­i­lar ;) ) of the wide­ly known Bomber­man. I will, of course, re­name my project as soon as I found …

Zombiehunt Controlls

Zom­biehunt got a menue to change the con­trolls of the game! It now al­so checks the game ver­sion when sub­mit­ting a high­score to the on­line high­core list.

Here is a screen­shot of the con­trolls menue:


The menue back­ground …

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