Showing only posts tagged cpp. Show all posts.

UE4: Deprecating Symbols

~ 3 Minute Read.

I find my­self googling for how to dep­re­cate UENUM, USTRUCT, UCLASS, UPROPERTY, UFUNCTION in Un­re­al En­gine 4 ev­ery now and then. With this blog post I hope to pro­vide a ref­er­ence for how to do this for …

Printf bit me

< 1 Minute Read.

Work­ing on an Un­re­al En­gine 4 project, I had a strage is­sue with their FString::Printf(format, args...) func­tion (which is ba­si­cal­ly just call­ing _vsntprintf).

The fi­nal is­sue was that I was try­ing to …

UE4 Automation Testing

9 minute read.

Have you ev­er had a fea­ture in an Un­re­al En­gine game that you had to come back to again and again, be­cause it was a nest of bugs? This gives you this un­easy feel­ing of that part be­ing un­sta­ble …

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