Some updates on what I’ve been doing

This is an old ar­ti­cle from 2013. I was a kid. I learned a lot since then, so please do think twice when tak­ing ad­vice from me as a kid.

As al­ways there has been a lack of posts in the last few weeks.

Well, last post more or less promised a de­sign for Ep­i­cRay. Sad­ly I have to say that de­sign got me a lit­tle bored. And al­though I did get some­thing writ­ten down, I was to lazy to con­tin­ue fur­ther. Nev­er­the­less I cre­at­ed a GitHub repos­i­to­ry con­tain­ing on­ly the de­signs up to now. (Search for “Ep­i­cRay” if you re­al­ly want to ;P)

I will start cod­ing some In­ter­faces some­time, but don’t see that com­ing in very near fu­ture.

Mean­while I was dis­tract­ed with oth­er fun stuff: An­droid de­vel­op­ment. I got the SDK set up, wast­ed lots of time try­ing to get ap­pli­ca­tions start­ed on ac­tu­al de­vices, and fi­nal­ly more or less copied&un­der­stood code from a book. Even­tu­al­ly I will want to make some free and prob­a­bly sucky game, just to have done it.

Al­so, I think I nev­er men­tioned this: I own a Palm Pre, which I got over e-bay once for rather cheap. There are al­most no de­cent free games for We­bOS, and that prob­a­bly due to the not so sim­ple SDK In­stal­la­tion (my im­pres­sion, but I al­ways have prob­lems get­ting things set up).

I tried so many times al­ready to get things set up for We­bOS de­vel­op­ment. Now I’m go­ing to try once more. (Post about my mo­ti­va­tions com­ing soon)

This post was im­port­ed from tum­blr


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