Allways Begin with Design

This is an old ar­ti­cle from 2012. I was a kid. I learned a lot since then, so please do think twice when tak­ing ad­vice from me as a kid.

Once again, I am un­hap­py with the struc­ture of one of my projects. That usu­al­ly hap­pens, if I am try­ing to im­ple­ment a new fea­ture and re­al­ize I ac­tu­al­ly don’t know how to fit it in the rest of the code.

In this case I am re­vis­ing Ep­i­cRay (my ray­cast­ing en­gine in Ja­va).

So… why am I lack­ing struc­ture? Once again I was too lazy to prop­er­ly de­sign a project be­fore I start cod­ing. So I am ac­tu­al­ly go­ing to de­sign Ep­i­cRay now prop­er­ly.

What aims do I have in mind: I hope Ep­i­cRay to be a de­cent ray­cast­ing game en­gine. This will prob­a­bly make it rather com­plex, so I will need some help. My thought was to open a pub­lic github repos­i­to­ry and make my project open source, once it got some­where.

So de­sign is a cru­cial step to open source… I mean, just try to find de­vel­op­ers want­ing to con­trib­ute to a chaot­ic project, wont hap­pen. Al­so, I am not to­tal­ly sure, how far I will get with this plan. I am hop­ing I will ac­tu­al­ly make it as far as the open source project.

As soon as I cre­at­ed the de­sign doc­u­ment, I will cre­ate a github repos­i­to­ry, so peo­ple can help me pol­ish it with com­ments and so on. If some­body is in­ter­est­ed :)

This post was im­port­ed from tum­blr


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