Epic Ray, Yay!

This is an old ar­ti­cle from 2013. I was a kid. I learned a lot since then, so please do think twice when tak­ing ad­vice from me as a kid.


Ep­i­cRay has re­gained a cer­tain stage of com­ple­tion! Al­though I was this far be­fore, now I ac­tu­al­ly have some pow­er­ful struc­ture be­hind ev­ery­thing which will not col­lapse if loads of fea­tures are built on­to it.

What Ep­i­cRay has now what my en­gine didn’t have be­fore is play­er move­ment. No tex­tures yet though.

Cur­rent­ly I am rough­ly cod­ing a ba­sic ed­i­tor for the en­gine (tile maps and such).

Since I de­clared this project as open source, an up­date of the github re­po will fol­low soon.

This post was im­port­ed from tum­blr


Archived blog posts from squareys.tum­blr.com.