Don’t Look Up

~ 2 minute read.

In “Look­ing Up” I wrote about how your be­hav­iour changes to­wards peo­ple you look up to that are more suc­cess­ful than you are. The same blog post al­so de­scribes what I do to re­duce this ef­fect in my­self and make me feel more “on the same lev­el”.

I re­al­ize there is even more im­por­tance to this than I thought orig­i­nal­ly: once you see your­self as “on the same lev­el”, you can re­late to them and they ex­pand your pos­si­bil­i­ty space.

What is “pos­si­bil­i­ty space”? It’s the set of things you be­lieve are pos­si­ble to achieve. You are con­strained by this space, be­cause you don’t even try to do the things you don’t be­lieve are pos­si­ble.

Five years ago I wouldn’t have tried to found my own com­pa­ny. The idea of do­ing this is not “tought” in Ger­man schools, I nev­er knew it was an op­tion! See­ing Gary Vayn­er­chuk in my face­book feed, not know­ing who he was, not know­ing about his past suc­cess­es, I was see­ing an “or­di­nary” man yelling at me for miss­ing the op­por­tu­ni­ty of my life­time short­ly af­ter leav­ing Gym­na­si­um (Ger­man high­school). It prob­a­bly helps that he on­ly very rarely wears a suit.

But that made it click and my pos­si­bil­i­ty space ex­pand­ed ex­po­nen­tial­ly since then. I see youtube videos in this space in a very weird way now com­pared to back then: I see all those peo­ple as my friends who are try­ing to help me, not “some­one who is out of my reach”. I don’t use the word “friend” here in the sense of “peo­ple you hang out with”, but in the sense of “peo­ple who you trust and know and have on­ly the best in­ten­tions to­wards you”. In this case, they ob­vi­ous­ly don’t know me yet.

This is a weird per­spec­tive and hence I am re­luc­tant to share it. Maybe you are weird enough to feel the same way. The in­cred­i­ble ben­e­fit of this is that it helps ac­quire their mind­set, mod­el and mir­ror what they do.

Writ­ten in 20 min­utes, ed­it­ed in 5 min­utes.