Be Different

1 minute read.

Most lim­i­ta­tion of what is pos­si­ble ap­pears to be made up by one’s own be­liefs. There is a lot of val­ue in ques­tion­ing the sta­tus quo and what you or oth­er peo­ple be­lieve is pos­si­ble. It will stay im­pos­si­ble un­til some­one does it. How about you be some­one?

Robin Shar­ma al­so wrote about be­ing un­rea­son­able.


Be dif­fer­ent. I have an in­sa­tiable urge to be dif­fer­ent from ev­ery­body else. Even from my­self—I am ac­tive­ly chang­ing my life over and over again.

When­ev­er an ex­cuse pops up for why some­thing is not pos­si­ble, rec­og­nize it as an ex­cuse and start think­ing about how in­stead of why not.

I re­cent­ly had a make or break mo­ment where this was the case. Read about it in the Tree of At­trac­tion blog post.

PS: I bet this can al­so be ap­plied to build­ing your own busi­ness. (For a friend.)