Build Magnum in a Linux Subsystem on Windows
~ 1 minute read.
I recently had the pleasure to finally install an ubuntu subsystem on my Windows 10 PC to compile test some C++ code on GCC.
~ 1 minute read.
I recently had the pleasure to finally install an ubuntu subsystem on my Windows 10 PC to compile test some C++ code on GCC.
~ 2 minute read.
A more recent vim feature is :term
, the ability to have a terminal
inside vim. This super useful feature now allows you to switch between
your code and asynchroneously run compile commands very …
~ 3 minute read.
I just came across a surprising bug in my code which I did not expect to cause any problem at all. The simplified code goes like this:
void foo(const std::string& str) { printf("string!"); } void foo(const bool b) { printf("bool!"); } // ... foo("0 …
~ 4 Minute Read.
Since the last time I did an overview of my current projects is almost three months ago, I thought it’d be time for another one of these.
In September Florian Isikci and I …
~ 2 minute read.
In “Looking Up” I wrote about how your behaviour changes towards people you look up to that are more successful than you are. The same blog post also describes what I do to reduce this effect in myself …
< 1 minute read.
Do you know that feeling when you’re talking to someone and just lock in your attention completely?
~ 2 minute read.
Moving from POCO 1.9.0 to 1.9.1, Poco Data to SQL namespace.
~ 6 minute read.
A story of how I finished my bachelor’s thesis two weeks early.