
To­day I worked on Py­ro­ma­nia, my Bomber­man type game. I had bombs and ex­plo­sions, but they didn’t do any harm to world or play­er.

Now ex­plo­sions at least de­stroy de­struc­tible blocks (the wood­en box­es …




I was very busy cre­at­ing a Minecraft mod in the last two days. Here are some pic­tures… […]

Awe­some, more awe­some if the can­nons ac­tu­al­ly work  :P

Thank you!… and it does ac­tu­al­ly work. As you …

I created a Minecraft Mod…

I was very busy cre­at­ing a Minecraft mod in the last two days. Here are some pic­tures…


[Of course, the can­nons ac­tu­al­ly work… They shoot mod­i­fied Ghast-fire­balls, as you can see in this pic­ture: ]


[in­side of the ship …

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