Live to learn

Just spent a whole hour on a stupid prob­lem:

//... (Storeable is an interface)

          HashMap<String, Class<? extends Storeable>> types = new HashMap<String, Class<? extends Storeable>>();

          //... (object is an instance of a class that implements Storeable)

          types.add(object.getTag(), object.getClass());


Thought it was a prob­lem with the …


Some screen­shots of my cur­rent project. Guess what it’s go­ing to be? (Pret­ty ob­vi­ous, I guess)


Looks pret­ty cool, eh? I guess that shad­ow over there to the right is co­in­ci­dence. But maybe wont be lat­er on …

About my last post

Now, you might re­mem­ber (or not, since it has been quite a while since I post­ed) that I had a few projects run­ning - The PI Mi­neshoot­er thingy, sad­ly aban­doned, the Zom­biehunt game, still there some­where, VS­GE, still there to …

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