Why WebOS?
Why would I want to develop for Palm Pre? Why for WebOS, which runs on about only seven different devices?
First of all, I own a Palm Pre and want to play games on it, which are decent and fun (and free of cost :P). And of those there are not many.
Also, Development for WebOS is in C/C++ also, thanks to the WebOS PDK! So I’ll be getting to some of that again (hope I didn’t forget all of it because of whole half year of pure Java stuff).
With WebOS being released open source, hopes are up, that it might be used by a few more devices in the future.
If I ever tackle the Installation of the SDK/PDK I might do a few tutorials to get more developers into this platform. But first things first.
So from now on, every now and then, you will hear of the little steps I make for creating a WebOS/Palm Pre Game.
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