Why WebOS?

This is an old ar­ti­cle from 2013. I was a kid. I learned a lot since then, so please do think twice when tak­ing ad­vice from me as a kid.

Why would I want to de­vel­op for Palm Pre? Why for We­bOS, which runs on about on­ly sev­en dif­fer­ent de­vices?

First of all, I own a Palm Pre and want to play games on it, which are de­cent and fun (and free of cost :P). And of those there are not many.

Al­so, De­vel­op­ment for We­bOS is in C/C++ al­so, thanks to the We­bOS PDK! So I’ll be get­ting to some of that again (hope I didn’t for­get all of it be­cause of whole half year of pure Ja­va stuff).

With We­bOS be­ing re­leased open source, hopes are up, that it might be used by a few more de­vices in the fu­ture.

If I ev­er tack­le the In­stal­la­tion of the SDK/PDK I might do a few tu­to­ri­als to get more de­vel­op­ers in­to this plat­form. But first things first.

So from now on, ev­ery now and then, you will hear of the lit­tle steps I make for cre­at­ing a We­bOS/Palm Pre Game.

This post was im­port­ed from tum­blr


Archived blog posts from squareys.tum­blr.com.