What is Work Even?

1 minute read.

I con­sid­er my­self some­one who likes to work. More so than most peo­ple as I spend most of my days and in­clud­ing week­ends work­ing away on my projects. There is a cer­tain ful­fill­ment at­tached to that iden­ti­ty of “be­ing some­one who likes to work” which pro­vides the base of in­trin­sic mo­ti­va­tion re­quired.

It is to­day that this ques­tion popped in­to my head that the foun­da­tion of this iden­ti­ty found it­self doubt­ed such that I found the need to ex­plore the ques­tion in this tiny blog post.


Ac­tiv­i­ty in­volv­ing men­tal or phys­i­cal ef­fort done in or­der to achieve a pur­pose or re­sult.

It re­al­ly does not get much more gener­ic and straight for­ward. Sub­sti­tu­tion in the iden­ti­ty re­sults in “be­ing some­one who likes to spend men­tal or phys­i­cal ef­fort to achieve a pur­pose or re­sult”.

Phew! I can re­late to that.

I in­deed al­so do not like spend­ing ef­fort on some­thing with­out point, so I guess the re­verse is just as true.

So I guess the ques­tion re­al­ly is, is there pur­pose or a spe­cif­ic in­tend­ed re­sult of my work? Em­pow­er­ing VR & AR de­vel­op­ers on the web and bring­ing back fun in de­vel­op­ment. Check.

Iden­ti­ty cri­sis avert­ed, great!