Wed 11 July 2018

~ 1 Minute Read.

Two blog posts ago I men­tioned a We­b­VR game we were mak­ing for the Vir­tuleap We­bXR Com­pe­ti­tion at Vhite Rab­bit.

WebVR Pong logo.

“We­b­VR Pong” is a mul­ti­play­er game we wrote in C++ with the Mag­num Graph­ics Mid­dle­ware and com­piled it to web as­sem­bly us­ing Em­scripten. Like the name sug­gests, it’s Pong—but for the im­mer­sive web!

It has been a while since I learnt this much with any project I worked on, the pas­sion for this type of project al­lowed me to run through mul­ti­ple walls es­pe­cial­ly those built by my in­ex­pe­ri­ence with net­work pro­gram­ming and in­fra­struc­ture.

My LinkedIn pro­file cur­rent­ly says:

I love cod­ing and build­ing things in XR; hap­py when work­ing with C++ or CG, and when do­ing things “the right way”.

How true that is I had com­plete­ly for­got­ten. This project matched all of those and that was a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent qual­i­ty of life.

Writ­ten in 15 min­utes, ed­it­ed in 5 min­utes.