Engine Development
1 minute read.
Engine development is fun and rewarding… and difficult.
WebAssembly based Game Engine with focus on WebXR.
Complete package to develop WebXR apps and games. Custom shaders with draw call batching reduce draw calls to one per shader, basis compressed textures are atlassed dynamically at runtime and the WASM based scene graph all together allow for optimal performance.
Since the Engine targets the Web, JavaScript comes with it as a zero-download-cost scripting engine.
To further reduce load times, the Engine uses an efficiently loadable binary scene file format.
Wonderland Engine projects are authored through visual editor that allows for a rapid-workflow that allows for iteration times you can often see on Web projects: file watching and automatic browser-reloading after <1s packaging times avoid unnecessary clicks wherever possible.
As this project is a full product, licensing systems and subscription payment setups are as much of a task as is packaging the application for Windows, MacOS and Linux, building the Website, examples and full documentation.
This project comes with an associated building of a company that backs the product, aswell.
1 minute read.
Engine development is fun and rewarding… and difficult.