Showing only posts tagged rendering. Show all posts.


Some screen­shots of my cur­rent project. Guess what it’s go­ing to be? (Pret­ty ob­vi­ous, I guess)


Looks pret­ty cool, eh? I guess that shad­ow over there to the right is co­in­ci­dence. But maybe wont be lat­er on …

Rendering Text!

I some­how feel hap­py about fi­nal­ly be­ing able to ren­der Text ;)image0

I’m us­ing the Freetype Li­brary and OpenGL. I thought about us­ing SDL TTF, but some­how I end­ed up de­cid­ing on this :)

This post was im …

back-face culling

I re­cent­ly found a tu­to­ri­al on back-face culling. It means telling OpenGL not to draw in­vis­i­ble faces (faces on the back side ;) ) of a mesh, which does speed up the ren­der­ing a lot.

I was look­ing for some­thing …

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