Showing only posts tagged mineshooter. Show all posts.

Mineshooter with SDL?

I’m cur­rent­ly work­ing on learn­ing SDL and am al­so think­ing about mak­ing my Mi­neshoot­er Pro­jekt use SDL. Does any­body have ex­pe­ri­ence with pro­gram­ming SDL-Ap­pli­ca­tions and would ad­vice against us …

Photo post 7


Con­tin­ued work on Mi­neshoot­er!

I just read a blog-ar­ti­cle from man­with­steel­nerves about z-fight­ing which re­al­ly mo­ti­vat­ed me to con­tin­ue 3D-pro­gram­ming with OpenGL. That’s why I de­cid­ed to con …

Photo post 9


This is a screen­shot of Mi­neshoot­er a game sim­i­lar to Minecraft, but as a Shoot­er Game. I was mak­ing this while learn­ing OpenGL 3D-Pro­gram­ming. I al­ready in­clud­ed com­mon Shoot­er-Nav­i­ga­tion (w-a-s-d and mouselook …

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