Showing only posts tagged cpp. Show all posts.

I did it.

In­stalling the ear­li­er ver­sion of codes­ourcery did the job! I am now able to de­vel­op ap­pli­ca­tions for my palm pre and oth­er we­bos de­vices.

Since I haven’t been do­ing a lot of GL stuff re …

Why WebOS?

Why would I want to de­vel­op for Palm Pre? Why for We­bOS, which runs on about on­ly sev­en dif­fer­ent de­vices?

First of all, I own a Palm Pre and want to play games on it, which are de­cent and fun (and …

About my last post

Now, you might re­mem­ber (or not, since it has been quite a while since I post­ed) that I had a few projects run­ning - The PI Mi­neshoot­er thingy, sad­ly aban­doned, the Zom­biehunt game, still there some­where, VS­GE, still there to …


I spent 2 hours de­bug­ging last night and an­oth­er 2 hours to­day to find the rea­son for ran­dom crash­es at ap­pli­ca­tion ex­it.

When us­ing Al­le­gro 5 in a shared li­brary, it is very im …

Vector Normalising Problems

Yeah, sure, this guy can’t even do such a sim­ple thing as nor­mal­iz­ing vec­tors?

No, the math was not the prob­lem, trust me ;)

I kept get­ting a vec­tor with 2 nan com­po­nents. Sad­ly I spent about 3 hours …

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