Open GL ES 1.1 and 2.0
I recently stared messing around with the simple sample app from the WebOS pdk a bit, trying to draw with vertex buffers and so on. I had a few problems, since the sample app used Open GL ES 2.0, which basically means you have to do everything yourself (Doesn’t even provide a glTranslate() function).
While this leaves a lot of customization possibilities for developers, for me, having never used VBOs before (yeah, the Quadengine project still used display lists), it was just confusing.
In the end I figured out, that I can actually use the Open GL ES 1.1 instead, so let’s see where I get with that.
I might want to go back though at some time, since it was actually pretty interesting having to figure out, how get the functionality GL usually provides, but for now, I’m fine with GL ES 1.1.
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