Now using Ubuntu!

This is an old ar­ti­cle from 2011. I was a kid. I learned a lot since then, so please do think twice when tak­ing ad­vice from me as a kid.

Af­ter get­ting the X-th virus on my com­put­er (with Win­dows XP Pro­fes­sion­al), I de­cid­ed to start us­ing Ubun­tu 11.04. I like it pret­ty much, al­though I’m still a bit ir­ri­tat­ed by the su­do-stuff.

I spent a lot of time try­ing to fig­ure out how to in­stall my C++ com­pil­er un­der Lin­ux un­til I fi­nal­ly found out there is al­ready one in­stalled -.- (I kin­da like that :P )

Af­ter man­ag­ing the in­stal­la­tion of SDL (that’s where I got ir­ri­tat­ed by hav­ing to use “su­do”) my next task will be in­stalling OpenGL. Then I’ll be set up for con­tin­u­ing Mi­neshoot­er.

This post was im­port­ed from tum­blr


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