Multiple Personalities

~ 4 Minute Read.

I re­cent­ly lis­tened to this pod­cast/in­ter­view by Tom Bi­lyeu with Moran Cerf 1. Tom’s en­tire chan­nel is amaz­ing, do please check it out if you have the time!

Moran talks about putting EEG caps on peo­ple’s head to de­tect which per­son they were when they made cer­tain de­ci­sions and what in­flu­enced them to be this per­son in that sit­u­a­tion.

Let’s take a step back. Have you ev­er gone to bed telling your­self “I’m so mo­ti­vat­ed to get up to­mor­row” and in the next morn­ing felt like a to­tal­ly dif­fer­ent per­son who then hits the snooze but­ton in­stead? I ac­tu­al­ly write about this ex­pe­ri­ence in “Get­ting Up” and event Mel Rob­bins men­tions this. 2 When Moran Cerf men­tioned these dif­fer­ent “pup­peteers” in your brain are ac­tu­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able via EEG, that made to­tal sense to me.

In­ter­est­ing­ly what you eat seams to have an ef­fect on which per­son you are. For me per­son­al­ly this is strong­ly con­nect­ed to sug­ar for ex­am­ple. 3 If there are sweets ly­ing around that I like, I lit­ter­al­ly feel two ver­sions of me fight­ing to get con­trol and take some or leave it. This could al­so be some in­stinc­tu­al (low­er lev­el) self fight­ing against my ra­tio­nal (high­er lev­el) self. Once I let the in­stinc­tu­al self win, it ap­pears to win more eas­i­ly in the next chal­lenge.

Mel Gibb­son talks about “Ro­bot State”, a ha­bit­u­al and au­to­mat­ic de­ci­sion mak­er, vs the state where your pre­frontal cor­tex has con­trol over your de­ci­sions. They may be sim­i­lar or anal­o­gous to the in­stinc­tu­al vs ra­tio­nal self.

In “Com­fort Zone” I hint at be­ing able to in­crease your com­fort zone, hence the set of things that your in­stinc­tu­al self doesn’t re­act scared or anx­ious to.

I al­most see this part of me as the “an­i­mal” part which is con­nect­ed to the “hu­man” (pre­frontal cor­tex?) part of my self or my brain. Is that so? Is it maybe valu­able to ad­mit, that we still have that an­i­mal part in­side us, to en­sure we learn to con­trol it ap­pro­pri­ate­ly? Maybe it’s just a metaphor or vi­su­al­iza­tion I’m too fo­cused on that makes be be­lieve they are more sep­a­rate that they re­al­ly are.

Gain­ing more con­trol over your­self and your de­ci­sions feels like an im­por­tant part of life to me. I make it a dai­ly prac­tice to keep con­trol in sit­u­a­tions where it is tempt­ing not to. May that be when avoid­ing a choco­late bar or a glas of some al­co­holic bev­er­age. 4 I am ac­tive­ly try­ing to put the strings in­to the right pup­peteers hand.

Get­ting up in the morn­ings has start­ed be­com­ing an is­sue again, though. To me, it feels like the most im­por­tant fight in my life. Now some mon­ing per­son­al­i­ty of mine is start­ing to ra­tio­nal­ize that I need the sleep once I woke up, sug­gest­ing I sleep an­oth­er round af­ter break­fast, 5 which is throw­ing me back in­to old rou­tines that I had got­ten rid of.

I will keep you up to date on that.

How to Bend Re­al­i­ty to Your Will and Be­come Un­stop­pable | Moran Cerf on Im­pact The­o­ry
Mel Rob­bins on Why Mo­ti­va­tion Is Garbage | Im­pact The­o­ry
I try to avoid re­fined sug­ar, but es­pe­cial­ly if there are free sweets ly­ing around, it is still a pret­ty big chal­lenge.
Yes, I al­so avoid al­co­hol since two months ago. More strict­ly than sug­ar even.
Even though I sleep for at least 5-7 hours, don’t wor­ry, I know sleep is im­por­tant.

Writ­ten in 50 min­utes, ed­it­ed in 15 min­utes.